Unsure if your startup idea will fly?

SparkRockets is your trusted AI co-pilot for every stage of the startup journey

Give SparkRockets a one-line business idea and 90 seconds later, you’ll have everything you need to start building, validating, and iterating.
Simple. Fast. Accurate.

Got 90 seconds? Watch it go.

Fast Validation. Accelerate with rapid validation experiments like landing pages and customer interviews.

Accurate Vetting. Combine human creativity with the speed and precision of AI for a higher quality of work.

De-risked Growth. Tackle critical hypothesis and understand customers and competition within seconds.

IP Ownership. You retain all intellectual property rights to the ideas you enter in SparkRockets.

Brand Vision. Fly ahead of the competition with storytelling resources for everything from naming to pitching and beyond.

In-Depth Insights. Dive into your business space and market sizing, plus industry, team, and regulatory assessments.


Service Plans for Every New Venture, Large and Small

The Hustler

The essentials, to get your thinking started.


  • 1 startup ideas

  • Lean canvas

  • Critical hypotheses

  • Competitive analysis

  • Naming & branding

  • Elevator Pitch

  • ChatGPT-3.5

The Founder

Full toolset to validate, pitch, and grow.


  • Up to 5 ideas, unlimited iteration

  • Market sizing

  • Team-fit assessment

  • Connections to perks and service providers

  • Industry and regulatory assessments

  • ChatGPT-4o

The Professor

Class-sized license bundles for academia.


  • All Founder Plan features, plus:

  • Instructor Dashboard
    (coming soon)

  • Up to 30 user licenses

  • 4 month special license term

  • Bulk discount pricing

  • Requires proof of education credentials

Enterprise Solutions

Custom white-label solutions to accelerate growth for your company, university, accelerator, or ecosystem.

  • Customer branding

  • Analytics and reporting

  • Single sign-on integration

  • Custom resource library

  • Bulk licensing

  • Chat GPT-4o

  • Language support

  • Additional educational discounts


Our Partners

Chris Cochran, Executive Director, Entrepreneurs Across Borders

““The most amazing piece of software I have used in a long time.

Gabor Puhalla, Venture Capital, Czech Republic

“I just tried out the tool, and I must say - it left me speechless.

David Brown, Co-Founder, Techstars

“SparkRockets is an incredibly powerful tool to help entrepreneurs get through the ideation stage with both speed and accuracy, so that they are ready to go out with a rock solid idea that holds up to scrutiny. "

Chris Weinhaupl, Investor, Deep Retrofit Capital

I am sold.

My one sentence idea result: This is a $45 billion opportunity in the US alone.”


  • Often founders have a great idea, but no clue how to get it off the ground. SparkRockets takes you from business concept to business validation roadmap in 90 seconds, and provides the vetting, self-confidence, and perks you need to keep your idea moving towards funding and profitability.

  • Today’s students want and need cutting-edge tools, and SparkRockets’ AI-engine is the answer. In addition to being a master time saver for professors and idea booster for students, it allows for easier idea combinations, facilitates moving from planning to execution, and provides the backbone for better submissions to contests and conferences. SparkRockets is as indispensable to business students as the calculator is to engineering students.

  • SparkRockets democratizes access to the tools needed to start a business, whether its a small town business or a market-altering global venture. SparkRockets is used by many economic development organizations to boost and accelerate local enterprise. Just like in academia, SparkRockets changes the game for forward thinking ecosystems who want to rapidly, confidently, and profitably move ideas from planning to execution.

  • Two ways. 1) Many accelerators use SparkRockets in-program to amplify the founder journey, 2) (coming soon) anyone who accepts applications from start-ups will be able to batch process and custom stack-rank incoming ideas using SparkRockets.

  • Yes. Many of our clients prefer custom enterprise solutions that allows them to keep things like administrative reporting and mentorship in their internal network.

  • Anything you enter into the SparkRockets platform is your idea to keep. See our Terms of Use for more details.

  • You.

  • Still: no.

    Please refer to our Terms of Use for more specific information and details.

  • All data submitted by users remains the property of the respective users. SparkRockets claims no ownership rights, but may use de-identified data for product improvement and research. See our Privacy Policy for more details.

  • The SparkRockets platform is capable of using a variety of large language models (LLM) such as OpenAI, Gemini, Claude, and Mistral. OpenAI is the primary model in use, but from time to time, we will leverage other LLMs and versions if we believe they provide better results.

  • You tell us! Our goal is to design a product that is maximally useful to you.

    Let’s talk! Email: hello@SparkRockets.com